The Binational Independent Film Festival exists for the following reasons:
It exists to showcase independent cinema, to promote it, and nurture it.
It exists to give the people of the border an opportunity to watch independent cinema, and for our
audiences to have the opportunity to talk to the filmmakers in person, a truly unique experience.
But most importantly, it exists to educate the young generations on what independent cinema is, and what
it can be, as a form of artistic expression.
Hollywood movies are made with millions of dollars and the hope of a hefty return on their investment.
They entertain billions of people around the world with fancy cars, chases, explosions, action scenes,
good looking stars, wonderful actors, and production values that are out of this world.
In comparison, independent cinema movies are made with the heart, because the filmmakers wanted to say
something, to right a wrong, or to put the finger on a subject that has to be talked about and pondered
on. The filmmakers wanted to tell their own story from their own point of view. The return of investment
is never thought of, but instead the hope that many people watch the film and enjoy its message is
always there.
Independent cinema is a form of expression, and although there are some exceptions, Hollywood movies are
generally pure entertainment.
The Binational Independent Film Festival will never ask you not to watch Hollywood movies, but instead,
suggests that you watch some independent films, so that you have plenty to talk about at dinner